There are so many ways to be more energy efficient and save electricity in the different areas of your home.
Here are some tips on how to conserve electricity and also save some money from high electricity bills:

Tip #1: Regularly maintain air-conditioners.
Air conditioners can account for 40% to 50% of your total household electricity bill. Keeping them in check and with the right technology and practices can significantly cut your cooling costs. Regularly cleaning the filters & condensers of a one horsepower conventional air-con unit will save you around Php100 monthly. Check the filter often by holding it up against the light. If you can’t see through the filter, it’s time for you to clean or replace the it.
Tip #2: Turn off lights and electronics when not needed.
One of the simplest ways to save energy around your home is turning the lights off when you are not using them. A general rule of thumb for an energy-efficient home has long been that if you are going to be out of the room for more than 15 minutes, turn the lights off. If you’re coming back in less than 15 minutes, you can leave them on. Turning off a light bulb for 12 hours will save you around Php50 monthly.
Tip #3: Replace fluorescent lights with LED lights.
Lighting can account for 20% to 30% of your electrical bill. Replacing fluorescent lights with LED lights will saves as much as 50 percent of energy. Although they cost more than incandescent bulbs and compact fluorescent lamps, you save 87% on energy costs
Tip #4: Avoid opening your fridge more often than necessary.
Standing in front of an open fridge can have a big impact on your energy bill. Don’t leave the door open when taking food out. The longer the door is open, the more cold air escapes and the more energy is needed to reduce the temperature again once the door is closed.
Tip #5: Air dry laundry
A clothes dryer is usually the second or third largest electricity-consuming appliance in your home. If not in a hurry, you can save electricity by hang drying your laundry.
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